System Integration

Harnessing the power of emerging technologies requires you to overcome complex systems integration challenges, both within your own organization’s walls, and with your external partners, suppliers, and clients.
Social connectedness, mobile devices, and growing opportunities for interaction “any time any place” have changed the way people live and work. They require anywhere, in-context collaboration services that link the right people, in the right place, in the right context, at the right time, across multiple channels of communications.

Systems Integration

Yet years of growth and global expansion through acquisitions and new market opportunities have left many enterprises with manufacturing, distribution, accounting, customer service, sales and procurement operations that are being run on disparate legacy business systems. These systems are highly inefficient, expensive to support and maintain, and lack visibility into the global business data companies need to make quick, informed decisions.

Today’s industry leaders are taking advantage of enterprise technology solutions to improve performance and drive more profitable growth. Unfortunately, maintaining and improving a diverse set of systems can be extremely expensive and impair the timing for both decisions and products being delivered to customers – inhibiting the amount of value provided and forming a barrier to continuous improvement.

Workstream improvement projects that are properly planned and managed can deliver the following benefits:

Increase automation by removing workaround systems and activities

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Embrace new technology to achieve higher levels of business performance.

This is an Feature List Item that is part of an Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.

Consolidate systems and improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

This is a Feature List Item that is part of a Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.

Why Innovation Brains Solutions?

Our systems integration specialists can help you manage the complexity inherent with technology change, from requirements planning to architecture, testing to deployment, and beyond. And we offer a complete range of industry-leading services to help you, including systems development, solution and platform integration, and program management, functional, and testing services.

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